Popular Music Lesson

How Far I'll Go (Moana) , Part 2

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♫ See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me. ♫
♫ And no one knows how far it goes. ♫
Aloha, I'm Joseph Hoffman, and today we're
learning how to play the chorus to "How
Far I'll Go" from Disney's "Moana." This
particular video is my level one version
of this song, which is perfect for anyone
who's already been playing piano for
about a year or so. If you've only been
playing for a few months or never before
at all, then check out my preparatory
level video on the same song. It'll be
perfect for you. Or, if you're a more
advanced player, I also have a level 3
version for this song too. So level 1
players, let's come to the piano to get
started. Alright let's learn the
right-hand melody first, and for that
we'll put right hand finger one on F
right here, and I'll use finger numbers
to kind of help guide what we're playing,
so remember fingers 1 2 3 4 5 in order. The
song starts off where the chorus starts
off with, ♫ see the line where the sky
meets the sea? ♫ So just this easy
pattern of three notes stepping up,
♫ 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3 ♫ Now you try.
Good, and then we have, ♫ It calls me ♫ and
for that we'll use ♫ 1 5 2 ♫
Now you try.
Good. So if we put that together we get
♫ See the line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me ♫
Now you try.
Good, and at any point feel free to pause
if you need extra practice. Now for this
next part, and no one knows, we need to
move finger 1 down to C for "and" then
quickly move finger four up to this high
treble C for ♫ no one ♫ and then we've got to
stretch finger three back down to A.
Ok, so watch that once. We have ♫ and no one ♫
♫ knows ♫ It's important we get that finger
three on A because then our finger one
has to come down again for ♫ how far it ♫
♫ goes ♫ Ok, so I said, again, we have 1 on low C,
4 comes up to this high C, then it
steps up, then finger 3 comes down to
♫ A G 1 4 5 3 2 ♫
Now press pause and try that a few
times on your own. Make sure you're using
the correct fingers, that quick shift up
here, ♫ bah bah bah ♫ and then finger 3 back to A
♫ 1 4 5 3 2 ♫ Press pause and try that on your
own. Press play when you're ready to go on.
Good, now let's try this next section
which has the same patterns or very
similar to before. Once again we have
♫ If the wind in my sail on the sea ♫
Now you try.
Remember, that's just
1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3. Now this time we've got two F's
♫ stays behind me ♫ So that's
♫ 1 1 5 2 ♫ Now you try.
Good, let's put those two parts together.
So we have ♫ If the wind in my sail on the ♫
♫ sea stays behind me ♫ Now you try.
Good, and now just like we had before
come down to this C, 1, and then day, finger
4, has to come up to this C ♫ one day ♫
♫ I'll know ♫ and then this one's a little different.
We have ♫ how far ♫ and then we just need
♫ I'll go ♫ That's where she's holding the
last note of the song for eight beats,
and then we're going to play this nice C
major chord with C E G at the end.
Ok, so watch this ending one more time. We
have ♫ one day I'll how far I'll go ♫ and I like
to switch to finger 3 there because then
I can play a little bit stronger. Hold
that for eight beats and then do a
C-major chord to finish. Hold that for
eight beats. Great. Now let's listen to
the entire chorus, just right hand, then
I'll let you press pause and practice on
your own, so here we go.

All right now, press pause and
practice that a few times, or maybe lots
and lots of times on your own. When you
feel really comfortable with the right
hand, if you'd like the extra challenge
of adding the left-hand part then press
play and keep watching.
Ok, now let's figure out the left-hand
part. This will make it sound a little
bit more interesting. So we'll put our
left-hand finger one on this bass F.
Here's my middle C, so I'm at the nearest
F below that, and you notice we have a
bunch of whole notes here, and this is
kind of giving the bass to the song, so
let's try this out, finger one on F, we
have 1 2 3 4, then another F, 1 2 3 4, then the
note, next note, is a C a forth below
that, so we're going to come down here
finger 4 on C, 1 2 3 4, again, 1 2 3 4, then we
play D, steps up to D, 3 4, another D 2 3 4,
then down to B-flat, 1 2 3 4,
1 2 3 4. Ok, let's practice it that far
together. So basically the pattern goes
two F's then two C's then two D's and then
two B-flats, each one, though, for four
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