Lesson 27

Mystery Listening Game

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Hello and welcome back. I'm Joseph Hoffman.
Today we're playing a game that I call the mystery listening game.
Let's come over to the game board to get started.

Here is our game board for the mystery listening game.
To play this game, we'll need to know how each of these melodies sounds,
and so let's try each one together before we play the game.
I'll point and sing once, and then I'd like you to try it with me.
This melody right here will sound like this: DO RE MI FA SO.
Now can you point and sing with me? Ready, go: DO RE MI FA SO.
You'll notice these are five notes stepping up, starting on C.
Now let's try melody number two. This one goes SO SO MI.
Now can you try it with me? Point and sing, ready go: SO SO MI.
You notice we have a repeat and then a skip down in number two.
Now let's try number three. Sounds like this: DO DO DO, three notes repeating.
Try to point and sing with me. Ready go: DO DO DO.
Good now let's try number four. What do you notice about these notes?
If you said they're stepping down you're correct. Here we have SO FA MI RE DO.
Point and sing with me. Ready go: SO FA MI RE DO. Good job.

Now we're ready to play our game. What I'm going to do is,
I'm going to play one of these four melodies on the piano,
but I'm not going to tell you which one. That's the mystery.
You have to use your ears and listen and whichever one you hear.
Point on your screen to the one that you hear me play. Are you ready?
Here's the first one. Here it is one more time. Point to the melody that you heard.
If you're pointing right here to number three, you're correct. This is what I played.
Can you point and sing the solfège with me for number three?
Here we go: DO DO DO. And what would that be if we want to use letter names?
That's right, this one is middle C, so we could say C C C.

Good job, now here's the next one. Which melody did you hear?
If you're pointing right here, you're correct.
Let's point and sing the solfège together. Ready go: SO SO MI.
Good job now here's the next one. Point to the melody that you hear.
If you're pointing right here you're correct.
Can you point and sing the solfège with me? It goes: SO FA MI RE DO.
Good job, here's the next one. If you're pointing right here, you're correct.
You sing it with me in solfège. Ready, go: DO RE MI FA SO.
Now, for an extra challenge, can you sing it in letter names?
Ready, go: C D E F G. Good job.

Now let's try another board. Here's our next game board with some new melodies.
Let's sing each one so you're familiar with them. This first one will go DO MI SO.
Point and sing. Ready, go: DO MI SO. These notes are skipping up.
How about this one? SO MI DO. Now your turn. Sing with me, go: SO MI DO.
What are these notes doing? That's right they're skipping down.
How about this one? We have DO DO SO. Can you point and sing with me?
Ready, go: DO DO SO. If I wanted the letter names for number three,
what would the letter names be? If you said C C G, you're correct.
And how about number four? We have SO DO or G C.
Good, I think we're ready to play. I'll play the mystery melody,
and you point to the one that you hear. Here it is again.
If you're pointing right here to number two, you're correct.
Point and sing with me: SO MI DO. Good, here's the next one.
If you're pointing right here, to number three you're correct.
Point and sing with me: DO DO SO. Now here's the next one.
If you're pointing right here you're correct. It's number four: SO DO.
Here's the next one. If you're pointing right here, you're correct. Did I trick you?
I bet you were thinking I was going to do this one since I hadn't done that one yet.
I want to make sure you're actually listening. I did number four again
just to trick you and see if you're paying attention. Was I able to trick you,
or did you get it right? Anyway, if so, good listening. I did SO DO.

Great job playing the mystery listening game. From our website,
if you download the complete materials for unit 2,
you can print out this game to play with a friend.
I recommend that you play this game every day for a few minutes,
which will help you develop a great listening ear for music.
Whenever you listen to music, try to hear the patterns as you listen.
Ask yourself, are these notes stepping up or down, or repeating or skipping?
If you practice your listening skills, you can improve
and become a master music listener.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you at our next lesson.

Ok, this time I'll be the teacher.

Oh, ok.

Here's our next game board. Alright, you listen,
and point to which animal you think you hear.


Here goes.

Number two, the elephant.

Good job ...