Adult Learners

Learning Piano as an Adult

By Joseph Hoffman
Learning piano is possible at any age, including adulthood.

Can you learn piano as an adult? Of course, and our lessons can help those interested in learning piano as an adult

Whenever I tell people that I’m a piano teacher, the first response is often, “That is so cool!” (Not going to lie, it’s an ego boost!) If I’m speaking with an adult, it’s usually followed up with something like: “I always wanted to learn to play.” “I took lessons as a kid, but hated it.” “Now I wish I never stopped – it’s probably a lot harder to learn now, right?” It breaks my heart that so many adults believe it’s too late for them to start learning the piano. My response?

You can still learn piano as an adult.

Many people have the idea that once you get older, learning piano as an adult becomes far more difficult. There are definitely factors that make it tricky, like busy schedules, family responsibilities, and the like. However, as human beings, we are always learning. Our brains don’t stop when they hit a certain age – they keep going! There’s also evidence that learning a new skill as an adult can keep the brain active into the later years of life. The most compelling reason to start learning piano now, though, is that you want to learn.

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Why Hoffman Academy for learning piano as an adult?

Maybe your schedule is restrictive, or you don’t have a piano teacher nearby. Or maybe you want to see if you’ll even like piano lessons for adults before committing a lot of time and money to it. Hoffman Academy is here to help! Whether you’re an adult learner who is completely new to piano or began learning as a child but haven’t touched the ivories in years, our piano lessons will help you achieve your musical goals on your schedule and budget. You’ll not only play songs – you’ll also learn:

    • to break down the steps for learning piano pieces you want to play
    • to develop your musical ear (Worried that you’re tone deaf? Check out our post, Am I Tone Deaf?)
    • to play with chords – one of the fundamental piano skills – early on
    • useful music theory that many beginning lessons don’t include
    • to create your own music through improvisation and composition

Our online piano lessons are affordable and effective. Try Premium for maximum learning potential.

Five Tips for Learning Piano as an Adult

    1. Set a goal. It could be a piece you’ve always loved, a level or grade to reach, or even how often to play. Having a concrete goal will help you see your own progress and give you something to work toward.
    2. Have patience. Learning any instrument takes time and effort. There’s a lot involved, and it will all come with practice!
    3. Set a practice routine. Even just ten minutes a day will bring results, and you’ll feel good for having done it!
    4. Be okay with mistakes. They’re a natural part of learning to play the piano as an adult.
    5. Celebrate accomplishment and effort. We often have a tendency to focus on what we’re doing wrong. Instead, try to focus on what you’re doing right – you’ll be happier with your progress and more motivated to continue!

Learning Piano: What Other Learners Have to Say (and play!) About Our Adult Beginner Piano Lessons

Lost In A Daydream

“Thank you for your online lessons! I am having such fun learning to play the piano. Your affordable online lessons allow me to learn and practice in bits and pieces at any time while being a wife and mom of two small boys. Mr Hoffman makes the lessons fun and the theory so easy to understand. Thanks!” – Laura, Facebook

“Thank you for the amazing lessons that you have created for us, Mr. Hoffman! I am in my early 30s and was looking for well structured and professionally produced online lessons that will teach me how to play the piano from the very basics. I chose these lessons based on my online research and they exceeded my expectations! The videos along with the materials available with the Premium Membership are helping me steadily build solid skills and knowledge of musical theory. I am also able to teach my toddler a few things when she sits down to play/bang on the keyboard.” – Lisa, Facebook

“56 & never played piano. I decided to put the beautiful piano sitting with lots of dust on it to use. Joseph Hoffman has taught me well. I am on unit 11 and playing well. I still have lots to learn, but have many songs down pat now. Thank you Mr. Hoffman!” – Tim, Facebook

“I am not a child, but in my sixties, and I have been enjoying and learning the lessons, step by step, Thanks! I did not think it would be possible at my age.” – Nasreen, Facebook

Here are some more inspiring stories from adult learners around the web on the topic of learning piano as an adult: What Learning Piano in my Twenties Taught Me at Business Insider, Learning Piano at Midlife at Better After 50, Adult Piano Lessons: Never Too Late to Learn at the BBC.

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